Did you know you could proactively enhance your happiness levels? Happy people aren’t all the same, but they are similar. These similarities provide a wonderful roadmap to creating happiness in your own life. Happy people have many of the same habits. It only makes sense that you can also enjoy a happier life if you can add these habits to your routine. Happiness doesn’t happen to you. It’s a state that you choose!

Here are some easy attitude adjustments and habits that can help you add more joy and happiness to your life

  1. Build Resiliency. Happy people are resilient. They can endure any hardship and take the everyday ups and downs in stride. They are slow to give up. This characteristic makes it easier to maintain a positive attitude even in the most trying of circumstances.
  2. Surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook. Hang around others that have a positive attitude and find it easy to laugh and smile. Happiness is contagious!
  3. Focus on the positive in every situation. Every situation has both negative and positive aspects. Those that get upset focus on the negative. Those that focus on the positive are happier. Train your mind to look for the good in every situation. Count your blessings each day.
  4. Spread positive energy. It is easier to be happy when you are making life better for those around you. Give your time to a worthy cause! You’ll be amazed how much better you feel.
  5. An exercise habit is one of the most challenging to build, but it is the most valuable. You physically feel good after exercising. You also enjoy the benefit of knowing that you did something that supports your health and fitness. Find time in your schedule to exercise each day.
  6. Have goals and dreams. It is hard to be happy if you don’t have something to look forward to. What do you most want to have and experience? Make a list and act on making it happen each day!
  7. Avoid any kind of bad-mouthing or gossip. Gossip can be fun and interesting, but there’s a price to pay. Sooner or later, you will anger the person you are gossiping about. When you speak negatively about others, you’re more likely to worry that others are speaking poorly about you too! Gossiping accomplishes nothing and creates unnecessary drama in your life.
  8. Create an active social life. Social relationships are a key component of happiness. Some people require a more active social life than others, but everyone needs some social contact. Determine how much of a social life you require and make it happen.
  9. Do not hoard. Too many possessions and indulgences subtract from your happiness. These things can create clutter, stress, distraction, and guilt. Enjoy yourself, but be reasonable if happiness is the goal.
  10. It is what it is. You don’t have control over everything. There are things that you must accept. The only other alternative is misery. Accept those things that you can’t do anything about.

You don’t need a million dollars to be happy. Increase the levels of happiness you experience each day by changing your attitude and developing a positive outlook to life. A few new good habits are enough to make you feel more blissful and happier every day.