Questions are powerful! Asking yourself the right question can literally awaken a voice inside you that can start the process of life turnaround. So if you are feeling lost and confused, just relax. Be nice to yourself.  I can assure you that you are not the only one feeling this way. You are doing the best you can with the resources you have and you will find your way again by asking the self-introspecting questions listed below. These questions have no right or wrong answer. Ask them again and again and just listen to your inner voice. Let your inner voice bring you clarity, peace of mind, and open you to the path of self-discovery – the discovery of who you are, what you truly want in life and why you are here!

61 Questions That Will Awaken Your Inner Coach

  1. What do I want in life?
  2. If today were the last day of my life, how would I like to spend it?
  3. What worries me most about the future?
  4. What excites me most about the future?
  5. What do I dream about?
  6. What price am I willing to pay to make my dream a reality?
  7. Are my actions enough to realize my dream?
  8. Am I passionate about my work?
  9. Do I work for money or because I love to do what I do?
  10. Is my career aligned with my core value system?
  11. What is the one thing that I most crave for?
  12. What is the one thing I am able to give to others freely?
  13. What am I grateful for?
  14. Who am I grateful for?
  15. Do I love myself?
  16. What can I do to love myself more each day?
  17. Am I happy in life?
  18. What can I do to bring more joy and happiness into my life?
  19. Do I have a healthy social life?
  20. Do I have a positive outlook to life or do I focus only on the negatives?
  21. What is the story I am telling myself about me?
  22. What’s my excuse for not achieving my dreams till now?
  23. What expectations do I have from my key relationships – parents, spouse / partner, children and why?
  24. Am I living a life that nurtures my spirit?
  25. Am I living by design or by default?
  26. How can I live the highest, truest expression of myself every day?
  27. What am I doing to achieve significance in my life?
  28. Is my being adding value to others or subtracting their joy?
  29. Does my work make a positive change in the world?
  30. Am I still holding onto something that I need to let go?
  31. What can I do to simplify my life?
  32. Do I like the person that I am?
  33. What can I do to emotionally empower myself?
  34. What am I feeling right now?
  35. What impact do I want to leave in the world?
  36. What’s the one fear that’s still holding me back?
  37. What can I do to reach my highest potential?
  38. Is there a pattern of repeating circumstances in my life and what am I doing to create them?
  39. How do I remain present and grounded irrespective of the situation?
  40. Do I listen to my intuition or ignore it?
  41. If I were my best friend what would I say to myself today?
  42. What are my spiritual beliefs?
  43. What can I do today to make me proud?
  44. What can I do today to move one step closer to my dreams?
  45. Do I know what my heart truly desires?
  46. Am I taking care of my body or neglecting it?
  47. Do I tolerate hurts, abuses, and bad behavior from others that sabotages my life?
  48. Do I give the right kind of love and attention to my primary relationships?
  49. Do I take care of my needs and myself?
  50. What do I do consciously or sub-consciously that sabotages my final success?
  51. What am I here? What’s my purpose?
  52. What’s the one habit I have that really supports my progress?
  53. What’s the one habit I need to give up to move to the next level in my goal?
  54. Am I willing to take help from others or want to do everything alone?
  55. Is there anyone I need to forgive and let go?
  56. What is the next thing that I must learn?
  57. How am I spending the money I make?
  58. What could I do to create a huge retirement fund?
  59. What have I done that I am extremely proud of?
  60. What big lesson could people learn from my life?
  61. What am I doing to create a legacy of my life’s work?

Take out the time to to ask yourself a powerful question each day and stay with it until the answer comes to you from within. Write down your answer in a journal or type it away and save it on a digital device. Apply the learning from this insight to your life and make it happier. I love this quote from Oprah Winfrey so I am sharing it here!

“You will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal. There really is only one, and that is this: To fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being. You want to max out your humanity by using your energy to lift yourself up, your family, and the people around you.” – Oprah Winfrey