What I learned from my failed relationships

What I learned from my failed relationships

source: By Anindita Paul There is a silver lining to every relationship that didn’t work out British novelist William Makepeace Thackeray once wrote: “To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose is the next best.” As Thackeray astutely pointed out, not all...
Helping them through it

Helping them through it

source: By Anindita Paul From lending a helping hand to patiently hearing out their concerns, there are numerous ways to support a co-worker battling a personal crisis We live in a world where it’s no longer possible to make a clear distinction between our...


source: Back from a nightout with friends? Planning a trip with long-distance friends sometime in the near future? There’s a lot to look forward to, catch up on, not to mention just the excitement and happiness of meeting people, who, simply by their presence, make...
Train your mind to keep depression at bay

Train your mind to keep depression at bay

source: The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our life! Positive and empowering thoughts, emotions, and feelings create energy in our body that makes us happy and joyous. Negative and disempowering thoughts, on the other hand, create inertia and force...